Thursday, August 19, 2010

Obstacles according to World Streets

1. The Mayor/city manager: The mayor or prime city leader either: (a) does not get it; (b) , (c), (d), (e) etc. These are the rule; fortunately there are exceptions. 2. The City Council: Where you have city councils taking these decisions, it turns out that they are often much better at disagreeing then agreeing ... 3. The city’s transportation experts: The city’s main transportation expert, team, may well not be interested in having any “outside help”.... 4. Local consultants: The specialized consultants who already work in the sector in that city ... ; 5. Local business groups, who the most part are firmly wedded to the idea of cars and car access ....6. Transportation service providers: bus/transit services, taxis, school and special service buses, others — tend to be the most part narrowly focused on their specific business area,..... 7. Public interest groups: Specific transportation, environmental groups  tend to be committed to their specific turf.... 8. Local media: For reasons of their own, advertising revenues included.... 9. The “local car lobby”. While there are financial interests tied to the continuing abundant unfettered use of cars in the city,..... 10. All of us: Doubtless the biggest single obstacle ... Read on in Eric Brittons cri de coeur here.