Thursday, April 24, 2014

Protecting car drivers and cyclists is done like this

The streets in the Netherlands are constantly and rapidly being improved for cycling. For this post I have another before and after example, this time in the city of Eindhoven. By chance I had filmed the streets Kastanjelaan en Glaslaan in 2012 as part of a route I took, cycling from Hovenring to Eindhoven’s central station (see that post here). These two streets formed the worst part of that particular route with cycle lanes in the door zone of parked cars. But when I visited the same streets again in 2014 the cycle lanes had turned into protected cycle tracks. The cycle infrastructure in both these streets is now of the same high standard as the rest of the route that already had protected cycle tracks. These streets formerly had a separate bus track (one bus lane in each direction), but that was no longer used. After this multinational relocated its production, the area -and all the buildings on it- was disused and it had to be redeveloped. In the place of the original two bus lanes the city of Eindhoven now built separated cycle tracks, a new side-walk on one side of the street and even an extra parking lane. In the reconstruction all the original trees in both streets could be spared and there was even room for a new line of trees. Read on here.

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